Game Changer
Our 50-Year Mission to Secure America’s Energy Independence
A day doesn’t go by without energy in the headlines. From banning gas stoves to prices at the pump to threats to the world’s energy supplies, energy is front and center.
Most of what we are hearing is high-emotion, low-fact misinformation offered by folks who have no clue what they are talking about.
Game Changer is the story of Harold Hamm and his fifty-year journey battling conventional wisdom and, in the process, helping restore America as an energy superpower. How did he do it? With horizontal drilling. What Hamm did was game changing—for his country and the world.
In Game Changer, Hamm explains:
- Why American Energy Independence is the most important policy to guarantee our long-term economic and national security.
- How the conversion to natural gas for electricity production in the US has led to the largest declines in emissions in the industrialized world.
- Why much of the energy narrative is distorted by money, politics, activism, and virtue signaling.
- Why the so-called “energy crisis” in America is self-inflicted.
We’ve been relentlessly told that oil and natural gas is the enemy, that humanity’s very existence depends on its extinction. Yet our whole world—your world—runs on it.
Game Changer invites you to learn the real story, the story we all need to hear, told through the common-sense eyes of the man who has led what he calls the American Energy Renaissance. If you care about your future, and the future of your kids and grandkids, read this book.

Published by Forefront Books • Distributed by Simon & Schuster
List Price $28.00 (price may vary by retailer)

Game Changer
Our 50-Year Mission to Secure America’s Energy Independence
A day doesn’t go by without energy in the headlines. From banning gas stoves to prices at the pump to threats to the world’s energy supplies, energy is front and center.
Most of what we are hearing is high-emotion, low-fact misinformation offered by folks who have no clue what they are talking about.
Game Changer is the story of Harold Hamm and his fifty-year journey battling conventional wisdom and, in the process, helping restore America as an energy superpower. How did he do it? With horizontal drilling. What Hamm did was game changing—for his country and the world.
In Game Changer, Hamm explains:
- Why American Energy Independence is the most important policy to guarantee our long-term economic and national security.
- How the conversion to natural gas for electricity production in the US has led to the largest declines in emissions in the industrialized world.
- Why much of the energy narrative is distorted by money, politics, activism, and virtue signaling.
- Why the so-called “energy crisis” in America is self-inflicted.
We’ve been relentlessly told that oil and natural gas is the enemy, that humanity’s very existence depends on its extinction. Yet our whole world—your world—runs on it.
Game Changer invites you to learn the real story, the story we all need to hear, told through the common-sense eyes of the man who has led what he calls the American Energy Renaissance. If you care about your future, and the future of your kids and grandkids, read this book.
Published by Forefront Books • Distributed by Simon & Schuster
List Price $28.00 (price may vary by retailer)
Harold Hamm has been featured on:
Forbes, WSJ, Financial Times, Bloomberg, CNBC, Today, Fox News, Fox Business, Oil & Gas Investor, Washington Post, National Review, Time

Harold Hamm
The thirteenth child of an Oklahoma sharecropper, Harold Hamm possessed what all great American entrepreneurs have—a sense of destiny and a desire to change the world for the better. He went from owning a single mud truck purchased with borrowed money to a man advising presidents on America’s energy resources and policies.
When Harold declared America could be energy independent over a decade ago, nearly all said it was impossible. Yet in 2019, we were. He championed the end of the export ban on American Oil and Gas which led to a trillion-dollar swing annually to the good for our economy and American families. The company he founded fifty-six years ago, Continental Resources, now operates in four of America’s premier basins and is one of the largest producers of oil and gas in the United States. Harold recently took the company private because he loves independence.
Harold has given generously to universities across America, including millions to the University of Oklahoma’s Harold Hamm Diabetes Center. He and Continental gave $50 million to establish the Hamm Institute of American Energy in partnership with Oklahoma State University with the goal of solving the world’s greatest energy challenges.
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“For over 50 years, Harold Hamm has been in the middle of America’s energy story. His journey is, in a word, ‘unconventional.’ The thirteenth offspring of an Oklahoma sharecropper, Hamm permanently altered the energy world by embracing horizontal drilling and propelling the U.S. shale revolution. He helped take his country from energy scarcity to energy abundance and turned us into a global energy superpower.
He has advised Presidents, heads of state, policy makers, politicians, and the so-called energy experts whose decisions impact our daily lives. Hamm is unsparing in his critiques of energy policy here and across the globe. Now he wants to share his journey—and what a sensible energy future looks like—with everyone who cares about our shared future.”
— Mike Rowe
TV host, writer, and spokesman

“Nothing changes the global game as much as oil and natural gas. There’s no one better than Harold to tell the story and offer real solutions.”
— Mike Pompeo
70th US Secretary of State

“Harold Hamm personifies the true heroic entrepreneur. He solved America’s dependence on the fuel of other countries, creating our energy independence through innovation that revolutionized energy production in our country. Harold’s book is an inspiration for every hopeful innovator.”
— Charles Schwab
The Charles Schwab Corporation founder and CEO

“Harold Hamm’s story is one of fortitude, against all odds. From his humble Oklahoma roots to his ability to go to Washington and lift the export ban on American crude, Harold has lived his life with purpose. His commitment to pioneering horizontal drilling has impacted all of our lives for the better.”
— Barry Switzer
Former Head Coach of the University of Oklahoma Sooners and the Dallas Cowboys

‘Played out’ That’s what ‘they’ said about the oil fields in North Dakota. ‘Opportunity of a lifetime’ is what Harold Hamm envisioned. A sharecroppers’ son. A self-made American original. Harold Hamm has led the country to energy independence. And does he have a story to tell.”
— Harry Smith
Award-winning NBC News Correspondent

“Harold Hamm’s contribution to society is arguably one of the most significant of our lifetimes. One would be hard pressed to find someone who has had a greater impact on mankind’s quality of life anywhere else in the world. Through tenacity, perseverance, passion, hard work, and raw talent, Harold envisioned and commercialized horizontal drilling in previously inaccessible tight oil reservoirs. Experts educated in petroleum engineering and energy executives like me were taught that what he was trying to accomplish was impossible. Fortunately, Harold didn’t read those books.
This technological feat enabled American energy independence and a benefit of a trillion dollars per year to consumers around the world through lower oil prices. Without the shale revolution that Harold started, consumers would have to pay over one trillion dollars more every year just for energy. How did he do it and what did this accomplish? Read his book and find out. It’s a delightfully entertaining book (a Horatio Algier type tale) about the shale revolution’s contribution to global security and quality of life of every single person on the planet. His writing style is so genuine and entertaining that you feel as if you’re having a fire-side chat with Harold. Full of wit, stories, and humility. Enjoy.”